
  • for immedi releas june 11 2021 nbsp santa ana california a former california chiropractor was found guilti tuesday of sever feder crimin charg relat to a 2 2 million health care fraud scheme nbsp susan h poon 56 of dana point was found guilti of five count of health care fraud three count of make fals statement relat to health care matter and one count of aggrav ident theft in a crimin juri trial…
  • lamont brown of brooklyn new york was sentenc in u s district court eastern district of new york on june 2 2021 to a prison term of time serv probat for 36 month and was order to pay restitut of 97 210 to amtrak brown previous plead guilti to conspiraci to commit wire fraud for his involv in an amtrak evouch scheme our investig found that brown and his co conspir use stolen credit card inform to…
  • a former amtrak electrician in chicago plead guilti in the circuit court of cook counti illinoi to financi institut fraud on june 9 2021 the former employe was sentenc on the same date to one year probat and paid 11 944 44 in restitut to us bank our investig found that the former employe establish a busi and use it to engag in fraudul credit card scheme
  • joshua pearson a market from st georg utah was sentenc on june 3 2021 in u s district court central district of california to three year probat six month home confin and was order to forfeit 1 250 000 pearson previous plead guilti to receipt of illeg kickback relat to a health care fraud scheme after our joint investig found that he receiv kickback from sheridan medic for patient referr for…
  • jean francoi picard a medic market base in los angel was sentenc in unit state district court southern district of california on june 14 2021 to 10 month in prison and three year of probat for payment of illeg remuner our investig found that picard paid kickback to other market for facilit the referr of prescript for medic unnecessari compound drug and other item reimburs by health care benefit…
  • an amtrak coach cleaner base in chicago illinoi was termin from employ on june 10 2021 follow his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by fail to report his arrest and convict for drive under the influenc and fail to report two other crimin convict while employ by the compani
  • robert barrow a former amtrak assist conductor plead guilti in u s district court district of massachusett on june 17 2021 to make a fals statement to obtain feder employe s compens in 2016 barrow fals claim on his unemploy benefit claim form that he had no incom dure the claim period when he appli for railroad retir board unemploy benefit our investig was conduct joint with the rrb offic of…
  • an amtrak foreman was termin from employ on june 18 2021 for misus a general servic administr gsa fuel card in violat of amtrak polici the employe admit to use the fuel card from juli 2019 to june 2021 to make over 7 400 in fuel purchas for his person vehicl and vehicl belong to other famili member the investig was conduct with the gsa oig
  • henri abdelnoor a former lead servic attend base in new york was sentenc in the superior court of new jersey burlington counti on juli 7 2021 to three year of probat for stalk the crimin charg result from abdelnoor s conduct prior to a compani disciplinari hear for post inappropri comment on facebook prior to the hear abdelnoor attempt to influenc a victim s complaint against him by alleg offer…
  • an electron technician base in boston resign from the compani on juli 12 2021 prior to his disciplinari hear from march 30 2021 through april 30 2021 the former employe violat compani polici by fraudul claim and accept payment for over 62 hour of straight time and overtim hour that he did not work or was not author to work for which he receiv over 2 825 in compens when we interview the employe he…