
  • for immedi releas decemb 9 2021 nbsp washington amtrak met regulatori oblig in respons to bluff failur along it pacif surflin rout but it could improv it awar of potenti oper risk by particip in ongo discuss with region stakehold an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas wednesday found nbsp amtrak oper it pacif surflin in california on a 351 mile rout between san lui obispo and san…
  • our object for this report was to alert the compani to specif human resourc function that requir prompt compani action nbsp we found that the human resourc depart doe not have enough staff to effect recruit screen hire and onboard new employe which will like hinder the compani s plan to build it workforc by as much as 21 percent over the next year human resourc manag told us the labor market is…
  • for immedi releas decemb 9 2021 nbsp washington amtrak s human resourc depart doe not have suffici leadership or staff to effect recruit screen hire and onboard new employe which will like hinder the compani s plan to add 2 500 to 3 500 employe this fiscal year an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas thursday found nbsp after reduc servic and downsiz it workforc due to the pandem…
  • for immedi releas decemb 13 2021 nbsp newark n j a former amtrak employe plead guilti to a charg relat to his theft of approxim 114 amtrak own chainsaw and other chainsaw part total more than 76 000 and then sell the equip for person profit act u s attorney rachael a honig announc today nbsp jose rodriguez 49 of brick new jersey plead guilti by videoconfer today befor u s district judg zahid n…
  • we have review the system of qualiti control for the audit organ of the nation railroad passeng corpor amtrak offic of inspector general oig in effect for the year end septemb 30 2021 a system of qualiti control encompass amtrak oig s organiz structur and the polici adopt and procedur establish to provid it with reason assur of conform with govern audit standard the element of qualiti control are…
  • we are initi a survey of host railroad practic for provid dispatch prefer to amtrak train our object will be to develop an understand of the legal framework establish prefer and it implement to date nbsp an initi step in our survey will be to obtain and assess compani data on implement and ani result impact to it busi we also plan to interview compani offici as well as freight railroad offici as…
  • we are initi a survey of the compani s develop and manag of construct contract in the engin depart with the recent passag of the infrastructur invest and job act and pend influx of feder fund the compani plan to increas it use of contractor to help address it backlog of state of good repair need and larg scale infrastructur project our object will be to survey the compani s practic for develop…
  • on decemb 5 2021 the nation railroad passeng corpor amtrak respond to our investig report titl opportun to improv control to detect and reduc evouch and ticket fraud our report focus on investig that involv the use of fraudul compani evouch and ticket that were not detect by the compani caus signific financi loss we identifi intern control weak and other vulner that exacerb the compani s fraud…
  • amtrak the compani contract with the independ certifi public account firm of ernst amp young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of septemb 30 2021 and for the year then end and to provid a report on intern control over financi report and on complianc and other matter becaus the compani receiv feder assist it must obtain an audit perform in accord with general accept govern audit…
  • an amtrak onboard supervisor base in seattl washington resign from the compani on decemb 7 2021 while under investig for engag in outsid employ while on a medic leav of absenc our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by oper a person busi while on a medic leav of absenc from the compani