
  • an amtrak sheet metal worker mechan base in chicago illinoi was termin from employ on june 18 2021 follow his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by fail to disclos a convict to the compani dure his employ and by use sick leav while serv time in jail and while confin to his home on electron monitor
  • a clerk base in bear delawar was termin on juli 8 2021 for fail to report his decemb 2020 arrest for drug relat charg compani polici requir employe to notifi the compani as soon as practic after an arrest or within 48 hour after be releas from incarcer the employe s disclosur occur near six month later and onli after he was formal ask about the arrest dure the cours of our investig
  • jonathan lasko a resid of hollywood florida plead guilti in the circuit court of the fifteenth judici circuit for palm beach counti on june 15 2021 to charg relat to a health care fraud scheme lasko who own addict treatment facil in florida and california engag in a scheme where he paid kickback to market also known as patient broker for the referr of patient to his facil lasko plead guilti to…
  • an amtrak trackman flagman base in chicago illinoi resign from employ on august 5 2021 prior to his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by drive and oper compani own vehicl without a valid driver s licens on a routin basi we further determin that he was arrest and convict on two occas for oper a vehicl while intox and did not report the incid to the…
  • for immedi releas august 17 2021 nbsp newark n j a new jersey gas station manag was charg august 5 2021 in connect with enter fraudul charg on fuel credit card assign to at least four amtrak vehicl nbsp umer hassan mir 39 of south amboy was charg by complaint with know and intent steal and convert to his own use approxim 9 600 in money of a depart or agenc of the unit state he was also charg with…
  • our object for this report was to identifi the intern control weak that allow a potenti ident theft crime to occur in chicago and to assess the compani s process for overse and safeguard item at select station nbsp we found that the compani has taken step to strengthen it lost and found program to includ address issu that contribut to an employe theft of 13 state and govern custom identif card…
  • for immedi releas august 31 2021 nbsp washington amtrak has taken step to strengthen it lost and found program but it has opportun to better monitor the program to ensur it is work and better protect sensit and valuabl custom properti and return it in a time manner an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas tuesday found nbsp the oig initi a review of amtrak s lost and found program to…
  • our object for this report was to assess the effect of the compani s effort to achiev complianc with the american with disabl act we found that the compani has clearer line of author respons and account for the american with disabl act ada program and that it reorgan base on our prior recommend has help it bring 36 more station into complianc sinc octob 2017 through april 2021 the compani cannot…
  • for immedi releas septemb 7 2021 nbsp washington amtrak cannot expect to complet it six year 1 2 billion plan to bring it station into complianc with the american with disabl act without first develop the requisit plan to achiev it timelin an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today found nbsp the report credit amtrak for develop clearer line of author respons and account for it ada…
  • mark hernandez a psychiatrist base in miami florida brian dublynn vice presid of safe haven recoveri inc and medic market jennif sanford plead guilti in unit state district court for the southern district of florida on august 17 2021 to conspiraci charg relat to a health care fraud investig the defend conspir to defraud privat health compani by caus safe haven a substanc abus treatment facil in…