
  • an amtrak senior manag base in beech grove indiana was termin from employ on august 30 2021 our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by fail to formal document investig and report a workplac violenc incid involv an employe and by encourag anoth employe to chang his statement regard the incid anoth manag at the beech grove facil receiv a letter of written warn for failur to…
  • an amtrak passeng conductor base in florenc south carolina was termin from employ on septemb 2 2021 follow his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ while on a medic leav of absenc from the compani and by be dishonest on his pre employ physic exam form when respond to question regard previous injuri and hospit
  • allan lummer farshad sassounian sidney cobo and ashkan kohanpour medic market base in los angel were sentenc in unit state district court central district of california in juli 2021 for aid and assist in the prepar of a fals tax return sassounian cobo and kohanpour were each sentenc to six month in prison and order to pay 24 147 50 in restitut lummer was sentenc to two year probat for his role in…
  • john pangelinan a medic market base in los angel was sentenc on august 2 2021 to time serv and two year probat for conspiraci to commit honest servic mail fraud and health care fraud pangelinan broker kickback and bribe payment to doctor in exchang for their referr of compound medic durabl medic equip and other health care good to certain provid nbsp our investig found that pharmaci acquisit llc…
  • joseph kieffer a market from los angel was sentenc on septemb 8 2021 in u s district court central district of california to six month in prison three year probat a 10 000 fine and he was order to pay restitut in the amount of 1 250 000 and a money judgment of forfeitur of 328 835 kieffer previous plead guilti to pay kickback to market and some patient to obtain medic unnecessari compound drug…
  • an amtrak sheetmet worker mechan base in beech grove indiana resign from the compani on septemb 14 2021 follow the releas of our investig report our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by engag in self employ that interf with his job duti and respons on some occas he use a person leav of absenc and leav grant under the american with disabl act to oper his lawn care servic
  • a yard conductor base in washington d c was termin on april 29 2021 for excess consecut day of absenc without author the employe was arrest on april 6 2021 and remain in custodi for at least a week on sever charg the case is pend in the unit state district court district of columbia
  • an amtrak specialist base in philadelphia was issu a letter of warn on may 4 2021 for violat compani polici by admit post inappropri and offens imag on her facebook account that public identifi her as an amtrak employe in violat of compani polici
  • kevin nelson a resid of new york plead guilti in u s district court eastern district of new york on august 30 2021 to aggrav ident theft for his involv in an amtrak evouch scheme nelson and his co conspir use stolen credit card and person inform to make unauthor purchas of amtrak ticket and then cancel or exchang those ticket for evouch subsequ they sold the fraudul obtain evouch on the internet…
  • phong hung tran a licens physician and surgeon in the state of california was sentenc in unit state district court southern district of california on septemb 13 2021 to time serv two year probat and 12 month of home confin for conspiraci to commit honest servic mail fraud and health care fraud nbsp our investig found that tran and other doctor arrang for and accept kickback payment from supplier…