
  • for immedi releas june 28 2021 nbsp beech grove indianapoli a beech grove man was arrest june 28 in indianapoli on feder crimin charg for alleg set fire to two build at the amtrak facil in beech grove in the earli morn on may 2 2021 nbsp casey sage 34 was charg with arson and if convict face a 5 to 20 year sentenc in prison a press releas from the us attorney s offic eastern district of…
  • john flore a former amtrak reserv sale agent base in riversid california plead guilti on septemb 29 2021 in u s district court central district of california to theft from program receiv feder fund our investig found that flore stole hundr of evouch valu at over 25 000 from custom account by exploit the compani s comput system and resold them for his own person gain flore previous resign from the…
  • for immedi releas octob 7 2021 nbsp los angel an orang counti pharmacist on tuesday was sentenc to near six year in prison and was order to pay more than 10 million in restitut to tricar the u s militari s health care plan and more than 768 000 to amtrak s employe health care benefit plan for submit million of dollar in fraudul claim for unnecessari prescript nbsp thu van le 42 a k a toni le of…
  • judi azar a medic assist base in los angel plead guilti in u s district court central district of california on septemb 24 2021 to health care fraud bank fraud ident theft and tax fraud our investig found that azar particip in a scheme to defraud health care benefit program by use fals and fraudul pretens in connect with the deliveri of and payment for health care benefit and servic azar forg a…
  • an amtrak supervisor base in philadelphia resign from his posit on octob 25 2021 follow the issuanc of our investig report our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by fals claim and accept payment for regular pay overtim pay and compensatori time for day he did not work we also found that he use his compani own vehicl for unauthor purpos dure work hour includ person busi…
  • an amtrak servic train attend base in new orlean was termin from employ on octob 29 2021 follow her administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by fail to report an april 2019 drug relat arrest as requir by compani polici dure her interview the former employe acknowledg her arrest and admit that she fail to report it to the compani
  • this report communic consider for compani manag if it reinstat the annual physic exam requir for locomot engin which the compani suspend in august 2021 in part becaus of the covid 19 pandem nbsp prior to the suspens we found that about one third of locomot engin did not meet the compani s self impos requir to pass an annual physic exam compani report show howev that they had pass a triennial exam…
  • for immedi releas novemb 15 2021 nbsp washington a review of amtrak s complianc with it self impos annual physic exam requir for locomot engin found that about a third of them did not meet it befor the compani suspend the requir in part becaus of the covid 19 pandem an oig report releas today found nbsp the report note howev that the engin had pass a triennial physic exam to meet feder railroad…
  • i am pleas to submit the amtrak offic of inspector general semiannu report to the unit state congress for the six month end septemb 30 2021 for the past six month amtrak continu it recoveri after it ridership plung lose 97 percent at one point at the onset of the coronavirus pandem dure this report period howev ridership has signific return and amtrak appear to be at an inflect point in it 50…
  • our initi object for this manag advisori report was to assess the extent to which the compani is evalu the risk associ with oper servic on track on the del mar bluff becaus a servic disrupt in san clement in septemb 2021 involv similar issu along the same rout and occur dure our work we also perform a limit review of compani action in respons to that event nbsp we found that the compani met it…