origin we plan to evalu amtrak s strateg plan process and the 2009 plan document by compar and contrast the process and plan to best practic in strateg plan we had complet an extens review of current model and practic in strateg plan when we learn that amtrak manag was conven an execut leadership group to creat the futur servic and organiz vision for the compani we decid that rather than continu…
our audit object was to determin the accuraci and accept of cost invoic by the contractor
amtrak award two cost reimburs plus fee contract up to a combin guarante maximum price of over 11 million to perform work relat to track replac and relat improv our audit object was to determin the accuraci and accept of cost invoic by the contractor
the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi receiv inform alleg that redact and redact had arrang travel for person not list on their travel priveleg pass inform receiv by oi also indic that redact approv and had knowledg of these unauthor trip
on june 1 2009 redact report that she mistaken got on the wrong train at the redact in redact redact had purchas a ticket for the redact transit train to go to redact
redact report that in 2001 amtrak order switchboard equip from potomac test incorpor pti and amtrak has never receiv that equip the equip cost over 66 000
the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi receiv an alleg that redact has been use an amtrak vehicl to transport amtrak materi to use at his auto shop busi redact auto repair
an initi complaint was receiv from system oper cnoc regard sensit amtrak inform on train movement be post on railfan websit the investig reveal that an individu by the name of redact oper a yahoo group web site all aboard aa
the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi receiv an anonym alleg from the oig websit hotlin the anonym sourc alleg that redact and redact electr train e t manag in the philadelphia offic are creat job and appoint relat to these job