
  • for immedi releas april 26 2022 nbsp santa ana california a former california chiropractor was sentenc to 70 month in feder prison thursday for bilk health insur by submit 2 2 million in fraudul bill for servic that were never provid medic diagnos never given offic visit that never occur and medic devic that were fals prescrib nbsp susan h poon 57 of dana point was found guilti in june 2021 of…
  • for immedi releas april 26 2022 nbsp newark n j a former amtrak employe was sentenc april 19 2022 in u s district court district of new jersey to 18 month in prison for fraudul obtain over 76 000 worth of amtrak own chainsaw and chainsaw part and sell them for person profit nbsp jose rodriguez 49 of brick new jersey previous plead guilti to one count of mail fraud accord to court document and…
  • for immedi releas april 26 2022 nbsp west palm beach fla the owner of an addict treatment facil was convict by a feder juri on april 13 2022 for her particip in a 58 million health care fraud scheme that bill privat health insur includ amtrak s health care plan for servic that were never provid and not medic necessari nbsp cari lyn beetl 44 of lake citi was convict of one count of conspiraci to…
  • our object for this report was to assess the extent to which the compani plan effect for the unifi oper center uoc program includ develop a busi case that demonstr the expect financi and oper benefit compar to the estim cost nbsp the compani began plan for the uoc program in decemb 2018 it is a multi year effort to reloc sever vital custom care function includ train dispatch personnel who are…
  • for immedi releas may 16 2022 nbsp washington amtrak s plan to save cost and consolid certain personnel and function in a wilmington delawar build it purchas for 41 1 million have not materi becaus it did not effect verifi the feasibl of it plan befor it made the purchas an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas friday found nbsp in decemb 2018 amtrak began plan the reloc of sever vital…
  • john flore a former amtrak reserv sale agent base in riversid california was sentenc on april 25 2022 in u s district court for the central district of california to 3 year of probat and 25 137 in restitut to the compani he plead guilti to theft from program receiv feder fund on septemb 29 2021 our investig found that flore stole hundr of evouch valu at over 25 000 from custom account by exploit…
  • we are initi a review of amtrak s the compani control over it high secur key such as those that access rail switch and the right of way we are undertak this review base on a referr from our offic of investig our object will be to assess the extent to which the compani has control to manag distribut track and retriev such key we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the review dure the…
  • i am pleas to submit the amtrak offic of inspector general oig semiannu report to the unit state congress for the six month end march 31 2022 for the past six month amtrak continu it recoveri after it ridership plung in 2020 due to the pandem in novemb 2021 while ridership continu to return congress pass the infrastructur invest and job act iija which provid amtrak the compani with access to as…
  • an amtrak conductor base in miami florida resign from his posit on april 12 2022 prior to his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by steal suppli from a contractor do busi with amtrak the former employe was captur on video enter the contractor s build which is co locat at the amtrak yard and steal the suppli and load them into the trunk of his person…
  • an amtrak train attend base in new orlean louisiana was termin from employ on april 4 2022 follow his administr hear the employe was termin after our investig result in crimin charg for make fals statement and theft of govern fund he plead guilti to these charg on april 27 2022 nbsp our investig found the former employe fraudul receiv unemploy benefit provid under the coronavirus aid relief and…