
  • an amtrak manag base in chicago illinoi was issu a letter of counsel on februari 9 2022 follow the issuanc of our report our investig found that the employe perform militari duti on day when he was also schedul to be work for the compani as a result the employe receiv compens from the militari for day in which he was also paid by the compani the employe fail to remit the wage paid by the govern…
  • a cleaner base in sunnysid yard new york was termin on februari 17 2022 after his disciplinari hear for theft of suppli dure the joint investig with the amtrak polic depart we found that the employe along with his supervisor violat compani polici by steal compani properti both employe admit to take the compani properti without permiss or author to do so the supervisor resign on februari 4 2022…
  • for immedi releas march 10 2022 nbsp new orlean an amtrak employe was charg march 3 2022 with make fals statement and theft of govern fund relat to the coronavirus aid relief and econom secur act nbsp accord to court document stacey v santemor sr 46 former of new orlean but now a resid of houston alleg made fals statement to the u s small busi administr for the purpos of fraudul obtain pandem…
  • amtrak termin the contract of a contractor base in camarillo california on januari 21 2022 follow the issuanc of our investig report our investig found that the contractor stole two train horn from the beech grove mainten facil and later sold them to individu he met on various train relat internet site and onlin forum in addit amtrak requir the contractor to remov all equip from amtrak properti…
  • our object for this report was to assess the effect of the compani s effort to identifi the technolog need of it busi depart and implement project in respons to those need nbsp we found that the compani has implement a process for more effect identifi the busi depart technolog project nevertheless the compani can do more to system gather and robust defin a project s technolog requir three factor…
  • for immedi releas march 15 2022 nbsp washington amtrak has implement a process to more effect identifi it busi depart inform technolog project but it can do more to defin a project s technolog requir an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today found nbsp accord to the report improv the process to better gather and defin clear and complet it project requir could have help the compani…
  • a chicago man plead guilti and was sentenc in the circuit court of cook counti illinoi to possess of cannabi on januari 24 2022 andr jordan was previous arrest on februari 8 2021 after agent found him to be in possess of approxim 2 2 pound of cannabi after he deboard an amtrak train in chicago jordan was sentenc to 9 month in prison
  • a general foreman base in washington d c was termin from the compani on march 12 2022 our investig found that from juli 14 2021 to januari 12 2022 the former employe violat compani polici by fals claim and accept payment for hour he did not work while attend an in person class and virtual class in addit we found that the former employe also misus his compani own comput to attend class access…
  • for immedi releas march 7 2022 nbsp new orlean a former amtrak employe plead guilti to two count of wire fraud on februari 23 2022 in part for invent a phoni new york citi amtrak trip and bilk custom out of approxim 23 000 to 26 000 in payment for the fake trip nbsp accord to court document one wire fraud charg is relat to a scheme in which kenya butler small a former on board servic train attend…
  • for immedi releas march 23 2022 nbsp los angel a south bay man was sentenc februari 28 2022 to 12 month plus one day in prison and order to pay 100 919 in restitut for tax evas nbsp jeffrey lawrenc a k a jey lawrenc 59 of torranc was sentenc in u s district court central district of california after plead guilti to a singl count of tax evas stem from his referr of prescript to tc medic pharmaci…