the object of this review were to determin whether the month bill for diesel fuel and fuel handl item submit by the up were accur valid reason and in complianc with the oper agreement and contract amend between amtrak and the up the audit cover the period from june i 1995 through decemb 31 1999
the audit object was to determin that cost submit by mr were in accord with contractu term and support by detail book and record addit we review the qualif of engin assign to the project to determin that their educ level and experi were in accord with contractu requir
the offic of inspector general has complet a review of the rout 128 station ticket offic our object were to i determin complianc with daili station account procedur ii verifi assign work fund ticket stock and other asset iii evalu safeguard over these asset and iv apprais the effici of station oper
our object were to determin whether onli elig depend of amtrak employe are receiv health and welfar benefit and if adequ intern control are in place to ensur accuraci and to detect and prevent unnecessari expenditur by amtrak for inelig depend
our object were to determin whether open purchas order pos for r r part are close on a time basi and if intern control for the r r process includ warranti repair are effect
there have been numer claim made about the relat financi perform of european passeng train oper and the amount of public fund they requir to remain oper viabl this review examin the public subsidi that have been provid for european passeng train oper and then compar these fund level to that of amtrak