the object of this audit was to review american recoveri and reinvest fund jacob manag project to determin the extent to which plan infrastructur improv were achiev
the object of this report base in part on work perform sinc 2003 are to provid amtrak offici with 1 a summari of intern control weak and gap in food and beverag servic and 2 recommend to address these weak and gap
this report present the result of our follow up review of recent oig evalu of human capit manag e 09 03 may 15 2009 and train and employe develop e 09 06 octob 26 2009 know of your concern with improv human capit manag train and employe develop practic at amtrak we initi this review to determin amtrak s progress in implement the recommend in those evalu and to assess the caus for ani delay
thank you for the opportun to discuss amtrak s effort to provid higher qualiti more cost effect interc rail transport servic the passeng rail invest and improv act of 2008 priia reauthor amtrak and strengthen the u s passeng rail network by task amtrak the depart of transport the feder railroad administr state and other to improv oper and servic priia also assign amtrak a clear mission to provid…
amtrak has made consider progress posit itself to meet the challeng it face to compet effect in this new era of interc passeng rail the interc passeng rail system includ the long distanc rout high speed rail corridor state sponsor corridor and the northeast corridor nec accomplish includ complet a new strateg guidanc a five year financi plan and a long rang fleet plan although fy 2009 saw a…
the object of this audit was to review the draft request for propos rfp and determin whether it contain adequ requir to assess the propos cost and price
the object of this audit were to assess 1 amtrak s progress in achiev ada complianc at station it serv and 2 whether ani gap exist in amtrak s plan to achiev ada complianc by it septemb 30 2015 goal