
  • for immedi releas decemb 30 2021 nbsp new orlean a former amtrak employe was charg with two count of wire fraud decemb 21 after she alleg invent a new york citi amtrak trip and bilk custom out of approxim 23 000 to 26 000 in payment for the fake trip nbsp accord to court document kenya butler small a former on board servic train attend recruit more than 40 individu to purchas spot on what she…
  • a chef in the op transport depart base in new york citi was termin on decemb 28 2021 after an administr hear the former employe fail to report two drug relat arrest and one drug relat convict to the compani compani polici requir employe to notifi the compani as soon as practic after an arrest or within 48 hour after the arrest the employe was also untruth with us when ask about the arrest dure…
  • robert barrow a former amtrak assist conductor was sentenc in u s district court district of massachusett on decemb 7 2021 and order to pay restitut of 1 000 he plead guilti on june 17 2021 to make a fals statement to obtain feder employe s compens in 2016 barrow fals claim on his unemploy benefit claim form that he had no incom dure the claim period when he appli for railroad retir board…
  • kevin nelson a resid of new york was sentenc in u s district court eastern district of new york on decemb 16 2021 to two year imprison and order to pay 287 805 in restitut to amtrak he plead guilti to aggrav ident theft for his involv in an amtrak evouch scheme on august 30 2021 nelson and his co conspir use stolen credit card and person inform to make unauthor purchas of amtrak ticket and then…
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s plan acquisit of interc trainset our object will be to assess the compani s manag and oversight of the program and to assess the compani s risk if ani to deliv the program on time we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit dure the audit we plan to interview senior offici involv with manag of this program review program document conduct…
  • we are initi an audit of amtrak s emiss control effort our object will be to assess the compani s plan to reduc greenhous gas emiss and how effect it has been in achiev the reduct goal we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit as part of the audit we will review how the compani set target and track it emiss includ ani relev data we also plan to interview senior offici involv…
  • an amtrak road foreman base in lajunta colorado was termin from employ on decemb 21 2021 after our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by fail to report a march 2021 arrest for drive under the influenc as requir by compani polici and lie to our agent dure her interview in addit the employe use her posit in a supervisori role to direct other employe to lie and provid fals…
  • an amtrak electrician base in chicago illinoi was termin from employ on decemb 28 2021 follow his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by fail to report his prior guilti plea and convict on his initi applic and background check form and also fail to disclos his alcohol relat arrest while employ with the compani addit our investig found that the employe…
  • our object for this report were to identifi and assess the challeng associ with cost share on state support rout and the extent to which the compani is work independ and with it state partner to address them nbsp although the compani has address some of the concern associ with cost share on it state support rout we found that three challeng persist first there remain conflict perspect between…
  • for immedi releas februari 2 2022 nbsp washington amtrak has address some of the longstand concern associ with cost share on it state support rout but three challeng persist around improv relationship and trust with it state partner clarifi how cost are assign and assur state partner that their bill are accur an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today found nbsp accord to the report…