
  • in develop our annual audit plan for calendar year 2022 we consid input from a varieti of key stakehold and other sourc and priorit our work base on high risk and high impact issu nbsp with amtrak prepar for the largest feder invest in it histori under the infrastructur invest and job act iija we plan to start a seri of audit to assess how the compani intend to manag and safeguard it new fund for…
  • our object for this report was to assess the extent to which the compani has a program manag framework to govern how it will complet it current and futur work across the gateway project nbsp while the compani has start hire staff and build a schedul among other thing to manag the volum of work it will soon encount on gateway we found that the compani has not fulli develop a thorough program manag…
  • for immedi releas februari 8 2022 nbsp washington amtrak has start hire staff and build a schedul to manag the volum of work it will soon encount on the gateway program it highest prioriti infrastructur invest but it has not fulli develop a comprehens program manag framework to help success manag it commit an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today found nbsp given the enorm of the…
  • for immedi releas februari 9 2022 nbsp los angel a pharmaci owner base in los angel was sentenc to 30 month in feder prison monday for orchestr a health care fraud and kickback scheme in which so call market were paid to generat and steer prescript to his pharmaci for expens and potenti unnecessari compound drug nbsp navid vahedi 42 of brentwood and his pharmaci fusion rx compound pharmaci plead…
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s practic to develop and maintain an inventori of it technolog asset to facilit it abil to protect them from cybersecur threat our object will be to assess the effect of the compani s practic for identifi and track these asset we plan to focus on system that support train oper known as oper technolog but may modifi our scope or object dure the review we plan…
  • by access and use this inform system you acknowledg and consent to the follow nbsp you are access an amtrak offic of inspector general oig inform system which includ 1 this comput 2 this comput network 3 all comput connect to this network includ end user system 4 all devic and storag media attach to this network or to ani comput on this network and 5 cloud and remot inform servic this inform…
  • a custom servic repres at renssela station new york violat amtrak polici by commit theft of a co worker s person properti while on duti dure the joint investig with the amtrak polic depart the employe admit to the theft and resign from the compani short thereaft the employe is inelig for rehir
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s capit plan process the recent passag of the infrastructur invest and job act and pend influx of feder fund for capit project highlight the import of have a well develop capit plan process our object will be to assess the extent to which the compani s capit plan process support it strateg financi and oper goal dure the audit we plan to interview compani…
  • we are initi engag to monitor the work of the independ public account ipa perform the audit of amtrak s the compani fiscal year fy 2022 consolid financi statement project 009 2022 and singl audit project 010 2022 nbsp our object will be to 1 determin whether the ipa perform the audit of the compani s consolid financi statement in accord with general accept govern audit standard issu by the…
  • a foreman in new york citi violat amtrak polici by dishonest take medic leav while in polic custodi for a recent arrest we confirm that on august 2 2021 offic with the burlington counti prosecutor s offic in new jersey arrest the employe and charg him with endang the welfar of a child the foreman resign in lieu of his disciplinari hear the employe is not elig for rehir