base on inform receiv by amtrak ceo joseph boardman the oig amtrak polic depart and amtrak manag coordin an investig of illeg drug and alcohol use on amtrak train no alcohol or drug use was found howev the investig disclos that sever on board servic employe fail to list feloni convict as requir on their employ applic and background check were not conduct on some on board servic employe
thank you for the opportun to discuss our work on amtrak s food and beverag servic loss on food and beverag servic have been a long stand issu at amtrak in fiscal year fy 2011 amtrak report a direct oper loss of almost 85 million long distanc rout account for about 74 million 87 percent of these loss
the object of this audit was to determin whether union pacif invoic to amtrak for servic cost and on time perform incent from januari 2004 through june 2008 were accur
the amtrak offic of inspector general oig receiv inform from a confidenti sourc alleg payrol fraud in the form of unwork overtim paid to certain amtrak employe this provid the summari result of our investig of that alleg specif our object was to disclos regular and overtim fraud and other abus by these employe and the supervisori failur to prevent these action
specif our report object are to 1 determin whether opportun exist to improv food and beverag program manag account and plan and 2 follow up on action taken in respons to our june 2011 recommend to reduc vulner to fraud wast and abus
thank you for the opportun to discuss how improv in the effici and effect of amtrak s oper and servic can lead to financi benefit and help reduc amtrak s relianc on feder subsidi the compani receiv 562 million and 466 million from the feder govern for oper in fiscal year fy 2011 and 2012 respect the compani also receiv 922 million and 952 million from the feder govern for general capit and debt…
our object were to determin whether the 1 cost bill by the design build contractor were adequ support and allow under the contract term and condit and 2 process to review design build contractor invoic was effect and econom
we initi this evalu to determin whether amtrak is ensur that it hos employe are compli with feder regul govern the use of drug and alcohol specif we evalu 1 the extent to which amtrak s random test show that hos employe are use drug and alcohol and 2 whether amtrak is exercis due dilig in control the use of drug and alcohol by these employe