amtrak employ about 3 100 manag and 17 900 union worker and often use union employe to temporarili fill manag posit sinc august 2001 1 476 amtrak union employe have temporarili fill these posit 1 amtrak s use of union worker to fill temporari manag posit is import becaus it allow the compani to fill critic manag vacanc in a time way and provid opportun for union worker to develop their manag and…
oig investig disclos that an amtrak employe circumv a compani busi practic intend to limit the tenur of independ contractor to 2 year an independ contractor was retain for 7 year and was in fact retain for an addit year after a request to extend the contractor had been deni by the amtrak independ contractor review panel the method of pay this contractor use multipl payment request in amount under…
our object were to determin whether 1 amtrak was make effect and effici use of background investig to help ensur prospect employe are qualifi honest reliabl and do not pose a secur threat and 2 background investig servic were purchas in a manner consist with procur polici
oig investig disclos that sever amtrak employe and entiti act inappropri in a concert effort to influenc the procur process and decis involv in that process on a multi year contract involv expenditur in excess of 800 million over a 3 year period